Jquery Min Js Download

Download jQuery - jquery-3.3.1.js Download, jquery-2.2.4.js Download « Previous; Next » Before started jQuery, we need to download jQuery library file. Download latest version of jquery.js file from jquery.com Website. You can also use jQuery CDN link. CDNs can offer a performance benefit by hosting jQuery on servers spread across the global. The Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (CDN) hosts popular third party JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and enables you to easily add them to your Web applications. For example, you can start using jQuery which is hosted on this CDN simply by adding a. If you don't want to download and host jQuery yourself, you can include it from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). Both Google and Microsoft host jQuery. To use jQuery from Google or Microsoft, use one of the following.

Active1 year, 3 months ago

I'm trying to download JQuery. When I click the minified version, I just get a bunch of code displayed in the browser. I don't actually download anything. What am I supposed to do? How do I download JQuery and do I need to put it where my other files are?

Justin MeltzerJustin Meltzer
5,23527 gold badges100 silver badges173 bronze badges

6 Answers

There are many ways you can get this to work

(it is supposed to show you the code like that)

You can copy all the code and save it as and jquery.js file and the call it like this:

Or you could just call it like this:

You can also link to it from many different places:

http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.js Source version

Google Ajax API CDN

Microsoft CDN

Read more here:


If you want to download the code you can actually do it! right-click the checkbox for example: PRODUCTION (24KB, Minified and Gzipped) and choose save as (maybe you´ll need to add the .js extension) 'Thanks to: Jason McCreary & deceze'


To clarify your comment, you should include the jQuery like this:

and now work as usual:


19.3k37 gold badges110 silver badges171 bronze badges

Goto this page : http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery

Right Click the download link and click 'Save Link As' (FF) or 'Save Target as' (IE) and save it in your preferred location.

21.1k8 gold badges58 silver badges105 bronze badges

Right click or command click the link and select 'Save As..'

Or just copy the minified code displayed in the browser and save it to your JavaScript file.

Maybe I am over simplifying it... it's late ;)

Jason McCrearyJason McCreary
59.1k19 gold badges113 silver badges160 bronze badges

You can also link to the following jQuery source from Google's server, I believe the term is Google CDN.

This is handy if a user or visitor of your site has that file already cached, which there is a good chance it is, loading times will be increased! :)

You could use the following code:

Place that code within the <head> tags of your page.

Good luck! :)


Jquery Min Js Download

6,57826 gold badges79 silver badges110 bronze badges

To answer the second part of your question, you can put the jQuery source file anywhere you want, as long as it's accessible via a URL.

To include jQuery in your webpages, add the following code to the <head> of your HTML:

You can also use Google's CDN, which hosts jQuery for all to use (free), for better performance:

71.5k16 gold badges166 silver badges205 bronze badges

If on Ubuntu/Linux, navigate to your static/css/js folder... or wherever you want to save the file:

The file is now in your current directory.

Grant Miller
8,92713 gold badges49 silver badges75 bronze badges

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Production applications should not take a hard dependency on CDN assets. Applications should test for the CDN asset referenced, and use a fallback asset when the CDN is not available.

The Microsoft Ajax CDN has no SLA above and beyond using an Azure CDN.

Use this GitHub issue to report problems with the Microsoft Ajax CDN.

Table of Contents

ajax.microsoft.com renamed to ajax.aspnetcdn.com
Visual Studio .vsdoc Support
Using ASP.NET Ajax from the CDN
Using jQuery from the CDN
Using jQuery UI from the CDN
Third-Party Files on the CDN

jQuery Releases on the CDN
jQuery Migrate Releases on the CDN
jQuery UI Releases on the CDN
jQuery Validation Releases on the CDN
jQuery Mobile Releases on the CDN
jQuery Templates Releases on the CDN
jQuery Cycle Releases on the CDN
jQuery DataTables Releases on the CDN
Modernizr Releases on the CDN
JSHint Releases on the CDN
Knockout Releases on the CDN
Globalize Releases on the CDN
Respond Releases on the CDN
Bootstrap Releases on the CDN
Bootstrap TouchCarousel Releases on the CDN
Hammer.js Releases on the CDN
ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax Releases on the CDN
ASP.NET MVC Releases on the CDN
ASP.NET SignalR Releases on the CDN

The Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (CDN) hosts popular third party JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and enables you to easily add them to your Web applications. For example, you can start using jQuery which is hosted on this CDN simply by adding a <script> tag to your page that points to ajax.aspnetcdn.com.

By taking advantage of the CDN, you can significantly improve the performance of your Ajax applications. The contents of the CDN are cached on servers located around the world. In addition, the CDN enables browsers to reuse cached third party JavaScript files for web sites that are located in different domains.

The CDN supports SSL (HTTPS) in case you need to serve a web page using the Secure Sockets Layer.

The CDN hosts the following third party script libraries which have been uploaded, and are licensed to you, by the owners of those libraries:

  • jQuery (www.jquery.com)
  • jQuery UI (www.jqueryui.com)
  • jQuery Mobile (www.jquerymobile.com)
  • jQuery Validation (www.jquery.com)
  • jQuery Cycle (www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/)
  • jQuery DataTables (http://datatables.net/)

The Microsoft Ajax CDN also includes the following libraries which have been uploaded by Microsoft:

  • ASP.NET Ajax
  • ASP.NET MVC JavaScript Files
  • ASP.NET SignalR JavaScript Files

Microsoft does not claim ownership of any third-party libraries hosted on this CDN. The copyright owners of the libraries are licensing these libraries to you. Any rights that you may have to download and use such libraries are granted solely by the respective copyright owners. Because these are not Microsoft libraries, Microsoft provides no warranties or intellectual property rights licenses (including no implied patent rights) for the third party libraries hosted on this CDN.

If you wish to submit your JavaScript library and your library is one of the top JavaScript libraries (as listed on http://trends.builtwith.com) or extensions/plugins to these libraries that are (a) popular; or (b) helpful for use on ASP.NET then please contact AjaxCDNSubmission@Microsoft.com.

ajax.microsoft.com renamed to ajax.aspnetcdn.com

The CDN used to use the microsoft.com domain name and has been changed to use the aspnetcdn.com domain name. This change was made to increase performance because when a browser referenced the microsoft.com domain it would send any cookies from that domain across the wire with each request. By renaming to a domain name other than microsoft.com performance can be increased by as much to 25%. Note ajax.microsoft.com will continue to function but ajax.aspnetcdn.com is recommended.

  • Old Format: https://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.js
  • New Format: https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.0.js

Visual Studio .vsdoc Support

To use the .vsdoc files properly with Visual Studio 2008 you need to make sure that you have VS 2008 SP1 installed and the hotfix for vsdoc files installed. You can get these from here:

Visual Studio 2010 supports .vsdoc files without any additional patches.

Using ASP.NET Ajax from the CDN

When using ASP.NET 4, you can redirect all requests for ASP.NET framework scripts to the CDN. Retrieving scripts from the CDN instead of your local web server can substantially improve the performance of public ASP.NET websites.

Use the ScriptManager EnableCDN property to redirect all ASP.NET framework script requests to the Microsoft Ajax CDN:

Using jQuery from the CDN

You can use jQuery scripts hosted on CDN in your Web application by adding the following script element to a page:

The CDN also includes the minified version of the jQuery script, which you can get using the following element:

To allow your page to fallback to loading jQuery from a local path on your own website if the CDN happens to be unavailable, add the following element immediately after the element referencing the CDN:

The following sample page uses the CDN version of the jQuery library (with fallback to a local copy) to display the contents of a div element when a button is clicked.

You can learn more about jQuery and download a local copy of jQuery by visiting the jQuery Web site.

Download Latest Jquery

Using jQuery UI from the CDN

The CDN also hosts the jQuery UI library. The jQuery UI library includes a rich set of widgets and effects that you can use in your ASP.NET applications. For example, the following page illustrates how you can use the jQuery UI Datepicker in the context of an ASP.NET Web Forms application to display a pop-up calendar:

When you move focus to the TextBox using your keyboard, a calendar is displayed:

Notice that you must include three files from the CDN in the code above:

  • The jQuery library — The jQuery UI library depends on the jQuery library. You must add the jQuery library to your page before you add the jQuery UI library.
  • The jQuery UI library — The jQuery UI library contains all of the jQuery UI effects and widgets such as the Datepicker widget used in the page above.
  • A jQuery UI theme — The jQuery UI supports different themes. The page above includes a link to a CSS file to import the Redmond theme.

All of the standard jQuery UI themes are hosted on the CDN. Visit this page to view thumbnails for each theme.

To learn more about the jQuery UI library, visit the official jQuery UI website.

Third-Party Files on the CDN

The CDN hosts some of the most popular third party JavaScript libraries. Microsoft does not claim ownership of any third-party libraries hosted on this CDN. The copyright owners of the libraries are licensing these libraries to you. Any rights that you may have to download and use such libraries are granted solely by the respective copyright owners. Because these are not Microsoft libraries, Microsoft provides no warranties or intellectual property rights licenses (including no implied patent rights) for the third party libraries hosted on this CDN.

jQuery Releases on the CDN

The following releases of jQuery are hosted on the CDN:

jQuery version 3.4.1

jQuery version 3.4.0

jQuery version 3.3.1

jQuery version 3.2.1

jQuery version 3.2.0

jQuery version 3.1.1

jQuery version 3.1.0

jQuery version 3.0.0

jQuery version 2.2.4

jQuery version 2.2.3

jQuery version 2.2.2

jQuery version 2.2.1

jQuery version 2.2.0

jQuery version 2.1.4

jQuery version 2.1.3

jQuery version 2.1.2

jQuery version 2.1.1

jQuery version 2.1.0

jQuery version 2.0.3

jQuery version 2.0.2

jQuery version 2.0.1

jQuery version 2.0.0

jQuery version 1.12.4

jQuery version 1.12.3

jQuery version 1.12.2

jQuery version 1.12.1

jQuery version 1.12.0

jQuery version 1.11.3

jQuery version 1.11.2

jQuery version 1.11.1

jQuery version 1.11.0

jQuery version 1.10.2

jQuery version 1.10.1

jQuery version 1.10.0

jQuery version 1.9.1

jQuery version 1.9.0

jQuery version 1.8.3

jQuery version 1.8.2

jQuery version 1.8.1

jQuery version 1.8.0

jQuery version 1.7.2

jQuery version 1.7.1

jQuery version 1.7

jQuery version 1.6.4

jQuery version 1.6.3

jQuery version 1.6.2

jQuery version 1.6.1

jQuery version 1.6

jQuery version 1.5.2

jQuery version 1.5.1

jQuery version 1.5

jQuery version 1.4.4

jQuery version 1.4.3

jQuery version 1.4.2

jQuery version 1.4.1

jQuery version 1.4

jQuery version 1.3.2

jQuery Migrate Releases on the CDN

The following releases of jQuery Migrate are hosted on the CDN:

jQuery Migrate version 3.0.0

jQuery Migrate version 1.2.1

jQuery Migrate version 1.2.0

jQuery Migrate version 1.1.1

jQuery Migrate version 1.1.0

jQuery Migrate version 1.0.0

jQuery UI Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery UI library are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

jQuery Validation Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery Validation library are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

jQuery Mobile Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery Mobile library are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

jQuery Templates Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery Templates plugin are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

jQuery Cycle Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery Cycle plugin are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

jQuery DataTables Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the jQuery DataTables plugin are hosted on this CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

Modernizr Releases on the CDN

The following releases of Modernizr are hosted on the CDN:

JSHint Releases on the CDN

The following releases of JSHint are hosted on the CDN:

Knockout Releases on the CDN

The following releases of Knockout are hosted on the CDN:

Globalize Releases on the CDN

The following releases of Globalize are hosted on the CDN:

Globalize version 1.0.0

Globalize version 0.1.1

    • all cultures
    • Replace '{culture-code}' with the desired culture code, e.g. globalize.culture.en-GB.js Microsoft Files on the CDN These libraries were uploaded by Microsoft.

Respond Releases on the CDN

The following releases of Respond are hosted on the CDN:

Respond version 1.4.2

Respond version 1.4.1

Respond version 1.4.0

Respond version 1.3.0

Respond version 1.2.0

Bootstrap Releases on the CDN

The following releases of getbootstrap.com bootstrap are hosted on the CDN:

Bootstrap version 4.3.1

Bootstrap version 4.2.1

Bootstrap version 4.1.1

Bootstrap version 4.0.0

Bootstrap version 3.4.1

Bootstrap version 3.4.0

Bootstrap version 3.3.7

Bootstrap version 3.3.6

Bootstrap version 3.3.5

Bootstrap version 3.3.4

Bootstrap version 3.3.2

Bootstrap version 3.3.1

Bootstrap version 3.3.0

Bootstrap version 3.2.0

Bootstrap version 3.1.1

Bootstrap version 3.1.0

Bootstrap version 3.0.3

Bootstrap version 3.0.2

Bootstrap version 3.0.1

Bootstrap version 3.0.0

Bootstrap version 2.3.2

Bootstrap version 2.3.1

Bootstrap TouchCarousel Releases on the CDN

The following releases of https://github.com/ixisio/bootstrap-touch-carousel Bootstrap TouchCarousel releases are hosted on the CDN:

Bootstrap TouchCarousel version 0.8.0

Hammer.js Releases on the CDN

The following releases of http://hammerjs.github.io/ Hammer.js releases are hosted on the CDN:

Hammer.js version 2.0.4

ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax Releases on the CDN

The following releases of the ASP.NET Ajax Library are hosted on the CDN. Click each link to see the actual list of files.

ASP.NET MVC Releases on the CDN

The following ASP.NET MVC JavaScript files are hosted on this CDN:








ASP.NET SignalR Releases on the CDN

The following ASP.NET SignalR JavaScript files are hosted on this CDN:

ASP.NET SignalR 2.2.2

ASP.NET SignalR 2.2.1

Jquery.min.js Download File

ASP.NET SignalR 2.2.0

ASP.NET SignalR 2.1.0

ASP.NET SignalR 2.0.3

ASP.NET SignalR 2.0.2

ASP.NET SignalR 2.0.1

ASP.NET SignalR 2.0.0

ASP.NET SignalR 1.1.3

ASP.NET SignalR 1.1.2

Jquery.min.js Download Zip

ASP.NET SignalR 1.1.1

ASP.NET SignalR 1.1.0

Jquery 1-12 4 Jquery Min Js Download

ASP.NET SignalR 1.0.1

Jquery.min.js Download Cdn

For information about the terms of use for the CDN, see Microsoft Ajax CDN Terms of Use.