Open the connection and PuTTY should now be connected to Serial Port via your named pipe. You may have to hit enter one or more times for something to be displayed. You can set up the ESXi firewall to allow incoming serial port connections so that you can access the VM using telnet. Setting Up a Serial Port Connection to the VM You can set up the ESXi firewall to allow incoming serial port connections so that you can access the VM using telnet. Check to see that you are using port 22; Enter a name for this profile in the 'Saved Session' field; Click the Save button to store your profile; Step 5 - Access your Virtual Machine. Click 'Open' on the PuTTY configuration screen to access your VM. The first time you access your VMware server from any computer, you will see a PuTTY Security.
I am using VMware and I want to connect to Ubuntu VMs via serial port. I am connecting both using pipe as referred in this website do I proceed to connecting and using them?

1 Answer
You should probably try this in three steps:1. setup a terminal emulator program on the Host side.2. test the login program on the VM side.3. setup Ubuntu to boot with a serial console.
Step #2 will verify that you have a working virtual serial link before attempting the more complex step #3. Otherwise step #2 is just a test, and not a required step in setting up a serial console. The first half of step #3 may suffice for your requirements (which you have not described) and then you won't have to do any boot parameter modifications.

Step 1: setup a terminal emulator program on the Host side.
Follow the VMware guide that you mention for 'Connecting an Application on the Host to a Virtual Machine'. The 'application on the Host' will be a terminal emulator program such a HyperTerminal, Putty or TeraTerm (the later two are preferred and multi-platform). You are going to use only the bare essentials of the terminal emulator program; you do not need any SSH or telnet or even modem capability.
Configure the Host's terminal emulator for VT102 emulation and the port to 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. Use the lowest numbered serial port (e.g. COM1 or ttyS0) from VMware.
Step 2: test the login program on the VM (Ubuntu) side.
Use the lowest numbered serial port, /dev/ttyS0.Make sure your username is a member of group 'dialout' (which should own /dev/ttyS0).
Configure the virtual serial port at the Ubuntu shell prompt:
Inspect the terminal emulator program for output.
Execute the login program for the serial connection.
Try to login at the terminal emulator program.
Putty Vmware Connect Serial Port To Monitor For Arduino
Step 3: setup Ubuntu to boot with a serial console.
Putty Serial Port Commands
If you get this far, then you should use the Ubuntu howto for serial console.
The 'Configuring the console login process' will use the same getty that was tested in the previous step. This configuration is to ensure that getty is re-executed (or 'respawned') at the appropriate runlevels and after each logoff. Note that there are different startup procedures depending on the version of Ubuntu, so I won't bother trying to reiterate that here.
Configuring grub
(or whatever virtual bootloader) might be optional for you. At this point you would have a setup that provides the serial port as a user login terminal. If you proceed to make changes to the boot parameters for the kernel command line, then all you will get is make visible the kernel output during boot.
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I'm using VMware Workstation 10.0.4 with a Windows 8.1 64bit as OS on the virtual machine (and the host system). Now I am facing the problem that though the serial port is mapped into the virtual machine, it doesn't work anymore after a while and I have no clue why.
When I copy the 'fresh' machine to my hdd and execute it for the first time, everything works. But after installing some things or changing os specific settings or sometimes taking a snapshot the port cannot be accessed anymore by putty. It tells me that it is unable to open the serial port but VMware shows that the port is still connected with the virtual machine. If I disconnect the port and try it on the host computer, everything works.
What did I try so far:
Putty Vmware Connect Serial Port Printer To Usb
- Reboot virtual machine
- Reboot host system
- SerialPort disconnected and reconnected in the virtual machine
- Reset the VM, same problem after a while
Can anyone give me a hint how to solve this problem?
2 Answers
The VMware virtual BIOS can address two serial ports by default, and similar technique can be used to enable the extra parallel ports, however this article link below concentrates on the serial ports only. I got this from VMWare Knowledge center...Did you try this steps already? Hope this was helpful (link below)
Vmware Serial Port
The program I am working on is starting a service that blocks the serial port and my colleagues forgot to mention that...No problems with VMware or anything else